
By DEB AMLEN from NYT Crosswords & Games https://ift.tt/2v4Zabw
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Article URL: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-07/asa-lom072718.php
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Self-driving cars (controls, perception, planning, safety, sensor design, localization, mapping, integration, security, etc.), human-competitive NLP/image classification, advanced robotics (repeat list from cars here but for things in the air, off-road, on the water, in the water, in orbit, in deep space, ...).
Those are all examples of real things that real people get to work on every day.
Operating systems topics don't even scrape the top 20 of stuff I think of when I think of deep expertise.
And even if we limit ourselves to the sort of things you mention, most people who work deeply on languages, tools, and standards view these as manifestations of their deep exploration rather than the focus or subject of the dive.
For example, TensorFlow. The framework very much is the product. But even if some other framework won the day tomorrow, the people who worked on TensorFlow would not have "wasted" their time thinking deeply about how to build the system.
This is why researchers whose original contributions were made in the 70s and 80s none-the-less continue to establish themselves as desired experts in new technology trends (e.g., Leslie Lamport and cloud computing or Martin Abadi and ML frameworks). Because they were focused on ideas and fundamental problems. The problems never disappeared, just changed form. And ideas have a lot more staying power than their manifestation in code.
Most people working deeply on systems today are not "revolving around POSIX in some way". See the proceedings of OSDI. And most deep experts choose other topics, most of which your post doesn't mention: graphics, programming languages (making them and analyzing programs written in them), compilers, security, robotics, user interfaces, NLP, ...
Your definition of "expert" seems to revolve around using things, mostly things based on ideas and techniques that were well-understood already 20 years ago and that are related to building a particular type of software system. Which, if anything, seems to deepen the author's point.
Someone gets to fill the AI research labs, staff the self-driving car companies, work at NASA, build core infra at large tech companies, and build the foundation for the next 20 years of trendy growth areas.
It's possible to get to those places without a degree, of course, but a degree is by far the path of least resistance. And in most of these cases, learning the material from the degree isn't optional; you're probably going to have hard time doing that controls engineering job at a self-driving car company if you never made your way through a calc sequence, some physics, and an algorithms course.
It's also worth noting that very often, building wordpress plugins pays more than doing all of those things I mentioned. I guess it's all about what you want to spend your life doing, which is exactly what the author says at the end of the article.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Ow2GEc
But that‘s exactly the point behind the footnotes remark that you seem to dislike.
Plato owned philosophy so completely that everyone, even centuries later, still referenced him.
You coming across ideas first via some more recent source does not invalidate him any more than Wordpress invalidates the importance of Movable Type.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2NXNkal
If you really want to make this model sustainable long-term I might even make the recommendation paragraph dynamically customized based on referring source (here's a WordPress plugin that would let you do this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/if-so/). History enthusiasts are likely to be intrigued by a different set of things from the book than HN's business & systems-thinkers or an RPG community interested in world-building inspiration.
Lots of people will read a general-interest article (quick & no cost), but to get conversions to an actual sale, you need to target specific interests.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vmZ66x
The value of popularity for PHP comes from larger talent pools, better libraries, etc. WordPress doesn't contribute to those.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LBmbNH
You can't just say "... if I ignore the ~30% of the internet that WordPress powers".
But anyway, after that... Wikipedia, Laravel, Symphony, CakePHP.
At the bottom of that pile... I built a CakePHP front end for a startup that after 8 years and was sold for $50m. Didn't require massive scaling, but the code had to be released on Windows servers in internet disconnected sites. The PHP code didn't require a single fix to production in the last 6 of the 8 years.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vmZ3Yp
I feel qualified to say the following:
- Java will not kill your startup. Bad coding MIGHT. But it also might not.
- PHP will not save your startup. Good coding MIGHT. But it also might not.
- You can write good/bad software in Java. I've seen both.
- You can write bad software in PHP. I've never seen good software in PHP (including my own). At this point, it's becoming hard to believe it is possible to write good software in PHP.
Mostly this is a problem with the awful design of the language. Adding better typing is helping, but at that point, why not just use something else?
Also, most arguments in favor of PHP mention its popularity. I suspect that if you removed WordPress, Drupal, etc. from the calculation, you'd see PHP plummet to the bottom. I don't know any young people who learn it anymore, and I haven't met a startup building their product in PHP in many years.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OweQwI
Suppose if these security changes would slowly get imposed over all https traffic in a coordinated fashion among the major browser vendors over a large time span? https requires some periodic maintenance anyway, so it shouldn't add an unreasonable workload.
I worry that this isn't happening because the ad industry (including Google) doesn't want to take responsibility over distributing untrustworthy and insecure code.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Ov7Uju
Article URL: https://medium.com/@WIRED/sex-beer-and-coding-inside-facebooks-wild-early-days-in-palo-alto-7b447c143d52
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Article URL: https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/07/a-new-report-questions-viability-of-plan-to-privatize-the-space-station/
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Article URL: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/07/youtube-picks-up-dark-mode-on-android-loses-black-bars-on-the-web/
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Currently I use: - VS Code (text editor) - GitKraken (Git frontend) - Postman (API testing) - Hyper (terminal emulator for Windows Subsystem for Linux)
Hyper alone takes nearly a gigabyte of RAM. Interested to hear HN's alternatives.
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hnrss is a labor of love, but if the project has made your job or hobby project easier and you want to show some gratitude, donations are very much appreciated. Thanks!
However, "serverless" also comes with a heavy price to pay in terms of debugging your code. It works perfectly (more or less), assuming you can actually write perfect code. But can anyone in this world actually write perfect code?
The bigger and more complex your code base, the more difficult it will be to debug it, and the more difficult it will be to get it to work correctly in a "serverless" environment.
For some people, going "serverless" will make a lot of sense for them. Just like some people do fine with WordPress so that all they have to do is type out their content and outsource all the hard work for publishing a web site based on that content.
But you will also pay a higher and higher monetary cost for going "serverless", as you scale up. At some point, it will no longer make sense to outsource that to someone else, and you will want to bring that in-house.
Do you understand how locks work? Or plumbing? If you need to replace or rekey the lock on your front door, can you do that yourself? Or do you outsource that to a Locksmith? If you need to replace your toilet, can you do that yourself or do you outsource that to a plumber? What if your A/C unit goes out? What if your car breaks down?
There are going to be some things that some people are good at doing, and they're good enough at doing it themselves that they don't want or need to outsource that work to someone else.
And then there are going to be some things that those same people probably are not good at doing, and those should be done by someone else -- either outsourced, or someone else in-house who works in partnership with you.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vfleQc
But, on a historical note, 2018 will probably go down as the year of “peak WordPress”.
All “patch” releases, nothing else: https://wordpress.org/news/category/releases/
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Ak5FfD
Example: Chrome -> Linux -> openWRT -> router -> FreeBSD -> Apache -> PHP -> Wordpress -> MySQL
The 30-million-line problem:
Even with new web technology "hotness" we're stuck with an OS on either side. Stuck with a bloated mass underneath anything we do. Rewriting is not really an option.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mS23s0
For instance, I try to search for "pass" hoping to dig out the password someone pasted and it shows results containing words like "wordpress" and "css" that petty much buries the actual matches even if they're somewhere way down in the result.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mV8IBL
Article URL: https://radiobruxelleslibera.com/2018/06/26/intermediated-of-the-world-unite/
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Article URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/29/technology/cryptocurrency-bermuda-malta-gibraltar.html
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hnrss is a labor of love, but if the project has made your job or hobby project easier and you want to show some gratitude, donations are very much appreciated. Thanks!
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What do you think, and what was your experience with college or the lack thereof?
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Indian Gunpowder – the Force Behind Empires
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OqH3ot
I suppose this was necessary or at least useful for a general-use web framework like Wordpress, where no one knows what kinds of attributes various users will want to create, and therefore table _columns_ are stored as table _data_, and no one ever has to do any migration.
But it was dog-slow. The switch to Django halved the number of tables in the site, and the whole thing went about three times as fast (plenty of other reasons for that, though).
Granted, now I have to do Django migrations rather than Wordpress web-console manipulation, but as someone said in a different post, Django migrations aren't that hard these days.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2AewAty
If you don't want any comments from the fediverse in general? Well then activity pub doesn't benefit you at all and you have no need for it.
> Is this essentially just the same as the trackbacks I already get from other Wordpress posts that link to my page, but with every single tweet (or rather, “toot” (oh, pardon me, how rude. Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?)) generating a trackback?
You can interact with people's content from any interoperable website/service/client basically. It's not just a link on some site or a meaningless metric that gets bumped up. The comments may very well be from people who actually did read your blog post and genuinely want to interact. They just don't have to actually visit your site to do any of those things.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mV8I4J
And will all of your followers’ comments show up too?
Is this essentially just the same as the trackbacks I already get from other Wordpress posts that link to my page, but with every single tweet (or rather, “toot” (oh, pardon me, how rude. Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?)) generating a trackback?
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Aia3vT
There's some info here:
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2AhaSou
* https://themeforest.net/item/ico-crypto-bitcoin-cryptocurren...
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OnDyiP
There are a few excellent specialist blogs, like Resonaances for particle physics,
but they are not very accessible to outsiders. Sean Carroll, Sabine Hossenfelder, and Peter Woit are pretty good and accessible
http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/ http://backreaction.blogspot.com/ http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/
but they aren't neutral; that's fine since they are personal blogs, but it can be difficult for laymen to get an objective picture of the field.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mPkL3f
[1] https://KanbanWP.com
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LRrpAN
- synthing for file sync
- miniflux for RSS
- WordPress for friends/family websites
- prosody for XMPP
- wallabag for bookmarks
- centralized rsyslog & collectd
- radicale for calendar/tasks/contacts sync
- gammu for sms sending
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LOcwPH
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2AjbhqG
here's my pain point. I built a serverless REST API with token authentication on Lambda. However, if many people aren't using it all the time it will sleep and then the next sucker who calls the endpoint is stuck with waiting for the serverless instance to wake up.
In some cases even getting a token from a simple POST request would take an awful long time. This was a few years ago and I stopped using serverless since then.
But now I'm interested in serverless because I've been hearing that the cold startup problem is being reduced.
I wonder if in the future developers will be just taking core logics from serverless repository and wiring up the components, sort of like how wordpress does it without the crazy layers of PHP and bloat.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OhtKXv
As for Wordpress people using third party services to remove bloat from images in a paid for, tediously manual way - don't! Configure your server to do it with Google's mod_pagespeed. You can serve src_set images whilst you are at it that way making the web quicker and more eco friendly.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OhznFk
After that, I wanted it for "ALL THE SITES" - and so a little Chrome Extension fell out of it :)
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LRIr24
Then the question becomes: is it more effort to backport this fix into a codebase I don't know? Or is it more effort to bring everything else up to using the new version. Either way, it's going to suck :)
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LOlzAn
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hnrss is a labor of love, but if the project has made your job or hobby project easier and you want to show some gratitude, donations are very much appreciated. Thanks!
They held up pro-Ukraine signs on the route that the vice-president and his family were expected to take to go skiing. from BBC News https...