Tuesday, July 31, 2018

More to Come

By DEB AMLEN from NYT Crosswords & Games https://ift.tt/2v4Zabw

Bob Woodward’s New Book Will Detail ‘Harrowing Life’ Inside Trump White House

By MATT STEVENS and JASON M. BAILEY from NYT Business Day https://ift.tt/2vjb15l

Show HN: Ploi.io – Stop the hassle. Start deploi'ing

Article URL: https://ploi.io/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651137

Points: 1

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Show HN: Simpli – Beautiful, functional home page for Google Chrome

Article URL: https://getsimpli.app/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651131

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://getsimpli.app/

Hynix to Invest $3.1B in New Fab

Article URL: https://www.eetimes.com/document.asp?doc_id=1333524

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651126

Points: 1

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ScienceTake: Lassie Got Help, Would Your Dog?

Article URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/31/science/lassie-help-dog.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651115

Points: 1

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Lennon or McCartney? Can statistical analysis solve an authorship puzzle?

Article URL: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-07/asa-lom072718.php

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651107

Points: 1

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New comment by throwawayjava in "Computer science as a lost art (2015)"

> What else are you going to do? Look at the stuff "deep" people are generally into, it mostly revolves around POSIX some way or another. And databases, but nobody wants to talk about that.

Self-driving cars (controls, perception, planning, safety, sensor design, localization, mapping, integration, security, etc.), human-competitive NLP/image classification, advanced robotics (repeat list from cars here but for things in the air, off-road, on the water, in the water, in orbit, in deep space, ...).

Those are all examples of real things that real people get to work on every day.

Operating systems topics don't even scrape the top 20 of stuff I think of when I think of deep expertise.

And even if we limit ourselves to the sort of things you mention, most people who work deeply on languages, tools, and standards view these as manifestations of their deep exploration rather than the focus or subject of the dive.

For example, TensorFlow. The framework very much is the product. But even if some other framework won the day tomorrow, the people who worked on TensorFlow would not have "wasted" their time thinking deeply about how to build the system.

This is why researchers whose original contributions were made in the 70s and 80s none-the-less continue to establish themselves as desired experts in new technology trends (e.g., Leslie Lamport and cloud computing or Martin Abadi and ML frameworks). Because they were focused on ideas and fundamental problems. The problems never disappeared, just changed form. And ideas have a lot more staying power than their manifestation in code.

Most people working deeply on systems today are not "revolving around POSIX in some way". See the proceedings of OSDI. And most deep experts choose other topics, most of which your post doesn't mention: graphics, programming languages (making them and analyzing programs written in them), compilers, security, robotics, user interfaces, NLP, ...

Your definition of "expert" seems to revolve around using things, mostly things based on ideas and techniques that were well-understood already 20 years ago and that are related to building a particular type of software system. Which, if anything, seems to deepen the author's point.

Someone gets to fill the AI research labs, staff the self-driving car companies, work at NASA, build core infra at large tech companies, and build the foundation for the next 20 years of trendy growth areas.

It's possible to get to those places without a degree, of course, but a degree is by far the path of least resistance. And in most of these cases, learning the material from the degree isn't optional; you're probably going to have hard time doing that controls engineering job at a self-driving car company if you never made your way through a calc sequence, some physics, and an algorithms course.

It's also worth noting that very often, building wordpress plugins pays more than doing all of those things I mentioned. I guess it's all about what you want to spend your life doing, which is exactly what the author says at the end of the article.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Ow2GEc

New comment by Tomte in "How to read Plato (1995)"

> I'd already run into them in other contexts.

But that‘s exactly the point behind the footnotes remark that you seem to dislike.

Plato owned philosophy so completely that everyone, even centuries later, still referenced him.

You coming across ideas first via some more recent source does not invalidate him any more than Wordpress invalidates the importance of Movable Type.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2NXNkal

New comment by goatlover in "Why the New V8 Is So Damn Fast"

What's the wordpress/drupal/laravel equivalents in Node?

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OwT8J8

New comment by JayNeely in "Why Salt Was So Important Throughout History"

I'd encourage you to expand the book-promoting paragraph to include a bit more info / some interest-generating hooks about what the book offers that the article itself hasn't already provided.

If you really want to make this model sustainable long-term I might even make the recommendation paragraph dynamically customized based on referring source (here's a WordPress plugin that would let you do this: https://wordpress.org/plugins/if-so/). History enthusiasts are likely to be intrigued by a different set of things from the book than HN's business & systems-thinkers or an RPG community interested in world-building inspiration.

Lots of people will read a general-interest article (quick & no cost), but to get conversions to an actual sale, you need to target specific interests.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vmZ66x

New comment by smt88 in "Java will kill your startup. PHP will save it"

I can and will say that we can ignore WordPress when suggesting that PHP is good because it's popular.

The value of popularity for PHP comes from larger talent pools, better libraries, etc. WordPress doesn't contribute to those.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LBmbNH

New comment by icc97 in "Java will kill your startup. PHP will save it"

> I suspect that if you removed WordPress, Drupal, etc. from the calculation, you'd see PHP plummet to the bottom

You can't just say "... if I ignore the ~30% of the internet that WordPress powers".

But anyway, after that... Wikipedia, Laravel, Symphony, CakePHP.

At the bottom of that pile... I built a CakePHP front end for a startup that after 8 years and was sold for $50m. Didn't require massive scaling, but the code had to be released on Windows servers in internet disconnected sites. The PHP code didn't require a single fix to production in the last 6 of the 8 years.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vmZ3Yp

New comment by smt88 in "Java will kill your startup. PHP will save it"

I spent about 10 years in a niche: maintaining legacy PHP software. I have been down some very deep rabbitholes of PHP black magic. I have written 10+ medium-to-large applications from scratch in PHP, 4 of which are still running in production more than 8 years later.

I feel qualified to say the following:

- Java will not kill your startup. Bad coding MIGHT. But it also might not.

- PHP will not save your startup. Good coding MIGHT. But it also might not.

- You can write good/bad software in Java. I've seen both.

- You can write bad software in PHP. I've never seen good software in PHP (including my own). At this point, it's becoming hard to believe it is possible to write good software in PHP.

Mostly this is a problem with the awful design of the language. Adding better typing is helping, but at that point, why not just use something else?

Also, most arguments in favor of PHP mention its popularity. I suspect that if you removed WordPress, Drupal, etc. from the calculation, you'd see PHP plummet to the bottom. I don't know any young people who learn it anymore, and I haven't met a startup building their product in PHP in many years.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OweQwI

New comment by Torwald in "Ask HN: Can anyone explain what incentivizes handcuffware?"

I don't know why the term "handcuffware"could be applied to WordPress. I deploy several WP sites, I find it neither complicated nor particularly buggy.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2NU0THN

New comment by daxterspeed in "A new security header: Feature Policy"

I understand your sentiment but I do wonder what the extent would actually be. The largest website are more than capable of adapting, and older sites are more likely to either not use any JavaScript or only accept http traffic (which is already a lost cause). I suppose the ones would take the biggest hit would be the people running WordPress blogs with various (already insecure) site plugins.

Suppose if these security changes would slowly get imposed over all https traffic in a coordinated fashion among the major browser vendors over a large time span? https requires some periodic maintenance anyway, so it shouldn't add an unreasonable workload.

I worry that this isn't happening because the ad industry (including Google) doesn't want to take responsibility over distributing untrustworthy and insecure code.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Ov7Uju

New comment by kirankn in "Ask HN: How old are you (optional) and what was the last thing that you learned?"

41. Connecting GatsbyJS to Wordpress. Awesome software, both of them. Learning about them now.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2NU0OUv

Sex, Beer, and Coding: Inside Facebook’s Wild Early Days in Palo Alto

Article URL: https://medium.com/@WIRED/sex-beer-and-coding-inside-facebooks-wild-early-days-in-palo-alto-7b447c143d52

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651078

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2AoX6Aq

UI Sources – Curated Interaction Design Patterns from the Best Apps

Article URL: https://uisources.com/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651070

Points: 3

# Comments: 1

from Hacker News: Newest https://uisources.com/

How to Save Money Using Your Own Infrastructure

Article URL: https://kruschecompany.com/blog/post/how-to-save-money-using-your-own-infrastructure

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651068

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2kyTrFe

Mastering Go in 7 hours

Article URL: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mastering-go-golang-7-hours-steven-li/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651055

Points: 1

# Comments: 2

from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2OwNqqn

Birds-Of-Paradise Project: Female Choice

Article URL: http://www.birdsofparadiseproject.org/content.php?page=112

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651028

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2NYD9SY

Gold Leaf as Thermal Interface Material (TIM) Tested (reddit)

Article URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/939glu/gold_leaf_as_tim_tested/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17651024

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2M3P7di

ZFS Boot Environments at PBUG

Article URL: https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2018/07/30/zfs-boot-environments-at-pbug/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650988

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2AxhDmy

A new report questions “viability” of plan to privatize the space station

Article URL: https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/07/a-new-report-questions-viability-of-plan-to-privatize-the-space-station/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650970

Points: 1

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Vertical video sheds its black bars on YouTube, Android app adds dark mode

Article URL: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/07/youtube-picks-up-dark-mode-on-android-loses-black-bars-on-the-web/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650969

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2OwWuLQ

Darpa has an ambitious $1.5B plan to reinvent electronics

Article URL: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/611725/darpa-has-an-ambitious-15-billion-plan-to-reinvent-electronics/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650956

Points: 2

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2LMgETP

How Quantum Computers Could Kill the Arrow of Time

Article URL: https://www.livescience.com/63182-quantum-computer-reverse-arrow-time.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650944

Points: 1

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AutoCAD Course

Article URL: https://learnonlineschool.com/autocad-course/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650922

Points: 1

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2Ox39FR

SQL: Finding a String Anywhere in Another String

Article URL: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Performance+Tuning/174811/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650908

Points: 1

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How Service Mesh Addresses 3 Key Microservices Challenges

Article URL: https://devops.com/how-service-mesh-addresses-3-key-microservices-challenges/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650904

Points: 1

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Blockchain project Civil turns to Asia with fund to kickstart 100 media venture

Article URL: https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/30/blockchain-media-project-civil-turns-to-asia/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650881

Points: 1

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Reinforcement Learning for Stock Prediction

Article URL: https://github.com/llSourcell/Reinforcement_Learning_for_Stock_Prediction

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650874

Points: 1

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Seattle passes legislation including a $250K annual fee for bike-share companies

Article URL: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/transportation/seattle-city-council-approves-new-bike-share-rules-supports-expanding-downtown-bike-lanes/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650866

Points: 2

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Ask HN: Native alternatives to common Electron apps?

I'm becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the amount of memory used by Electron apps when developing on Windows. It seems like all my development tools require it, which becomes unsustainable fast. I'm looking for good alternatives to apps for common tasks!

Currently I use: - VS Code (text editor) - GitKraken (Git frontend) - Postman (API testing) - Hyper (terminal emulator for Windows Subsystem for Linux)

Hyper alone takes nearly a gigabyte of RAM. Interested to hear HN's alternatives.

from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2AsrHNA

Why CSS Selectors are the most useful Selenium WebDriver locators?

Article URL: https://www.pineboat.in/post/css-selectors-selenium-webdriver-find-element-xpath-replaced/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650845

Points: 1

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How we spent 30k USD in Firebase in less than 72 hours

Article URL: https://hackernoon.com/how-we-spent-30k-usd-in-firebase-in-less-than-72-hours-307490bd24d

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17650836

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump offers to meet with Iranian President Rouhani with “no preconditions”

07/30/18 2:47 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Rand Paul says he will support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh

07/30/18 11:48 AM

Aid sector 'almost complicit' in sex scandal, say MPs

Aid sector bosses were "self-deluded" and "collectively failed" to tackle exploitation, MPs say.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2OuR2cz

North Korea 'working on new missiles', US officials say

US intelligence leaks suggest the North may be building ballistic missiles, despite recent pledges.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2LC8cHo

Tom Watson accuses NEC member of being a 'loud-mouthed bully'

Peter Willsman was recorded suggesting "Trump fanatics" are behind Labour anti-Semitism claims.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2NTwbyq

Dixons Carphone admits data breach now affects 10 million

Retailer finds that personal details of an extra nine million customers may have been accessed last year.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2OzhKRs

Women 'illegally buying abortion pill online'

The abortion process can start within 30 minutes, meaning many want to take the pill at home.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2v3xhRb

The battle to stop ex-IS fighters reaching Europe

The BBC's Quentin Sommerville follows the teams trying to trace ex-IS fighters who have fled Syria.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2NWJOwL

Corrie Mckeague: Airman 'somewhere in Suffolk waste disposal system'

Corrie Mckeague is "no longer missing" and his remains are "irretrievable", his father says.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2AnymbR

Andy Murray beats Mackenzie McDonald in Washington Open

Andy Murray fights back to beat Mackenzie McDonald 3-6 6-4 7-5 in the Washington Open first round in his fourth match since returning from hip surgery.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2AqLPj1

Love Island: Dani Dyer and Jack Fincham win ITV2 series

After eight weeks of dumpings and drama, the winning couple of the ITV2 series is revealed.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2NUEudr

Lombok earthquake: More than 500 hikers evacuated from Mt Rinjani

More than 500 hikers were stranded on Indonesia's Mt Rinjani when a deadly quake triggered landslides.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2Kbwanp

IS claims fatal Tajik attack on foreign cyclists

Two Americans, a Swiss and a Dutch citizen died after being struck by a car on Sunday.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2M3BTxg

Brexit and your holiday: Five things that could change

How the UK leaving the EU could impact things like flights, visas and mobile roaming.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2M55giP

Durex recalls condoms over split worries

The company says the products are not passing "stringent shelf-life tests", meaning they could burst.

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The Papers: Manchester bomber was 'rescued by Royal Navy'

Tuesday's papers include stories on the Manchester bomber, Love Island, and a Fortnite addict.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2LFiBlK

News Daily: Aid sector abuse and North Korea missile reports

Your morning briefing for Tuesday 31 July 2018.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2v4kzSf

Bruce Beach has built a 10,000 sq ft nuclear bunker

At 10,000 sq ft, Ark Two is one of Canada's largest nuclear fallout shelters.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2M1xLh7

Trekking to Everest: 'Challenging but rewarding!'

As adventure tourism booms, more people are trekking the route to Mount Everest's base camp.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2K9N3ik

Messi has a kickabout with his dog

A video posted by Lionel Messi's wife, of the footballer playing football with his dog, has gone viral.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2ArbmZu

In pictures: Behind the mask

British photographer Rory Lewis's portraits of actors and other public figures go on show in London.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2Aq7V53

Melinda Messenger: 'How do breasts have so much power?'

Former glamour model Melinda Messenger reflects on the breast augmentation she had in her 20s.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2LDy71A

Somalia's deaf footballers create their own league

Players fed up with being excluded from existing teams started their own league.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2v0XGiE

Intrepid French hunt for sunken warships Cordelière and Regent

The Regent and Cordelière burned together and are now the focus of a French explorer's mission.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2OvguyM

Will EU healthcare for tourists survive Brexit?

Will you be able to use the European Health Insurance Card when the UK leaves the EU?

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2NY5991

What happened to the boy who chased away the lions?

As a child, herder Richard Turere invented a device to stop lions killing cattle but who benefited?

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2Oufn24

Would you quote Rick Astley in your out-of-office?

Not everyone sticks to the standard out-of-office reply - we take a look at the more unusual ones.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2M4q3D2

Fast fashion: Inside the fight to end the silence on waste

We asked major labels if they destroyed their excess stock. They weren't all forthcoming.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2uZTZK0

How will the Love Island contestants cash in following the show?

The next few weeks will be crucial for the Islanders as they establish their brand outside the villa.

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2Khw2ms

Are UK trains the 'envy' of Europe?

Northern Rail passengers have had huge disruption, but is the rest of Europe jealous of our railways?

from BBC News - Home https://ift.tt/2mQVoho

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The problem with programming and how to fix it
29 by ndh2 | 13 comments on Hacker News.

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Fond (YC W12) Is Hiring Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) in Portland
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Picture of the day for July 31, 2018

A Kamchatka Brown Bear near Dvuhyurtochnoe, Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.. Learn more.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Newest Hall of Famers Carry Records and Memories Into Cooperstown

By RICHARD SANDOMIR from NYT Sports https://ift.tt/2vhhAVV

No Corrections: July 30, 2018

By Unknown Author from NYT Corrections https://ift.tt/2LRsID4

Michael Cohen Takes a Bullet

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How Trump Lost Re-election in 2020

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What I Learned at Beautycon, Where ‘Everyone Wants to Be Extra’

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CBS Board to Meet on Les Moonves’s Role After Misconduct Allegations

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‘Sharp Objects’ Episode 4: The End Zone

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New top story on Hacker News: Dying Alone in Japan: The Industry Devoted to What’s Left Behind

Dying Alone in Japan: The Industry Devoted to What’s Left Behind
109 by axiomdata316 | 96 comments on Hacker News.

Bandit Algorithms Book [pdf]

Article URL: http://downloads.tor-lattimore.com/banditbook/book.pdf

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642564

Points: 2

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Hands on Bug Bounties for Penetration Testers

Article URL: https://handsonbughunting.com/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642367

Points: 2

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hnrss is a labor of love, but if the project has made your job or hobby project easier and you want to show some gratitude, donations are very much appreciated. Thanks!

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New comment by bradknowles in "Ask HN: Why is everyone so obsessed with serverless?"

Doing "Operations" can be hard for some people to understand, and harder still to actually get right. Going "serverless" gives you the opportunity to outsource a lot of that work to someone else.

However, "serverless" also comes with a heavy price to pay in terms of debugging your code. It works perfectly (more or less), assuming you can actually write perfect code. But can anyone in this world actually write perfect code?

The bigger and more complex your code base, the more difficult it will be to debug it, and the more difficult it will be to get it to work correctly in a "serverless" environment.

For some people, going "serverless" will make a lot of sense for them. Just like some people do fine with WordPress so that all they have to do is type out their content and outsource all the hard work for publishing a web site based on that content.

But you will also pay a higher and higher monetary cost for going "serverless", as you scale up. At some point, it will no longer make sense to outsource that to someone else, and you will want to bring that in-house.

Do you understand how locks work? Or plumbing? If you need to replace or rekey the lock on your front door, can you do that yourself? Or do you outsource that to a Locksmith? If you need to replace your toilet, can you do that yourself or do you outsource that to a plumber? What if your A/C unit goes out? What if your car breaks down?

There are going to be some things that some people are good at doing, and they're good enough at doing it themselves that they don't want or need to outsource that work to someone else.

And then there are going to be some things that those same people probably are not good at doing, and those should be done by someone else -- either outsourced, or someone else in-house who works in partnership with you.

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New comment by jimholcomb in "Ask HN: How old are you (optional) and what was the last thing that you learned?"

63. Docker. I have Plex, Wordpress, Nagios, SQL Server, Pihole, and VPN containers in a CentOS VM under Parallels on my Mac. It’s been fun setting this up.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mP8dZD

New comment by ronilan in "Ask HN: Have we hit peak JavaScript?"

No peak JS in sight.

But, on a historical note, 2018 will probably go down as the year of “peak WordPress”.

All “patch” releases, nothing else: https://wordpress.org/news/category/releases/

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Ak5FfD

New comment by dsego in "The Thirty Million Line Problem"

We pile code on top of code, layers and layers, problems accumulate and multiply over time. Almost exponential LOC growth of an OS (just the linux kernel) up to 18 million lines in 2015. How many LOC does it take to read a text file from a website? Not less than 56 million.

Example: Chrome -> Linux -> openWRT -> router -> FreeBSD -> Apache -> PHP -> Wordpress -> MySQL

The 30-million-line problem:

Even with new web technology "hotness" we're stuck with an OS on either side. Stuck with a bloated mass underneath anything we do. Rewriting is not really an option.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mS23s0

New comment by h1d in "Slack Is Buying HipChat from Atlassian"

I wish the search feature to be more straightforward. It seems to be trying to be smart about searching close matches but it just misses exact matches and when I really have to search some messages I have to search it with SQL in the database. It's not good when I can't tell my members to use the search feature when I know it's unreliable.

For instance, I try to search for "pass" hoping to dig out the password someone pasted and it shows results containing words like "wordpress" and "css" that petty much buries the actual matches even if they're somewhere way down in the result.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mV8IBL

Intermediated of the world, unite

Article URL: https://radiobruxelleslibera.com/2018/06/26/intermediated-of-the-world-unite/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642551

Points: 1

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NASA: 60 Years and Counting

Article URL: https://www.nasa.gov/specials/60counting/index.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642534

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Have a Cryptocurrency Company? Bermuda, Malta or Gibraltar Wants You

Article URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/29/technology/cryptocurrency-bermuda-malta-gibraltar.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642518

Points: 2

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ReactOS can now boot from Btrfs

Article URL: https://reactos.org/blogs/gsoc-2018-booting-btrfs-works

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642503

Points: 1

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Robotex Has Just Expanded to Anguilla, Armenia, Japan, Mali and Monaco

Article URL: https://medium.com/robotex/welcoming-five-new-countries-to-our-global-family-bf67f3bf1d31

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642481

Points: 1

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How Fast Is Zold?

Article URL: https://blog.zold.io/2018/07/30/how-fast-is-zold.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642455

Points: 2

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hnrss is a labor of love, but if the project has made your job or hobby project easier and you want to show some gratitude, donations are very much appreciated. Thanks!

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YouTube alternative that copies the YT 2007 design

Article URL: https://www.vidlii.com/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642450

Points: 2

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Wealth Builders World Wide

Article URL: http://www.joynerdiscountsgoldbythegram.com

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642442

Points: 1

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Cataract (disambiguation)

Article URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cataract_(disambiguation)

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642440

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POC vs. MVP vs. Prototype: Which Method Is Perfect for Your Product Launch

Article URL: https://www.rockonit.com/blog/poc-vs-mvp-vs-prototype-which-method-is-perfect-for-your-product-launch

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642437

Points: 2

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Analysis System for Movie Releases Based on Movie Trailer [pdf]

Article URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.04465

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642433

Points: 1

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When is the best time to hire a salesperson?

Article URL: https://capitalandgrowth.org/questions/1082/when-is-the-best-time-to-hire-a-salesperson.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642428

Points: 1

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20th Century Fox uses AI to predict who will watch a movie from its trailer

Article URL: https://news.developer.nvidia.com/20th-century-fox-uses-ai-to-predict-who-will-watch-a-movie-from-its-trailer/

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EtherCalc – A Web Spreadsheet

Article URL: https://ethercalc.net/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642423

Points: 3

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from Hacker News: Newest https://ethercalc.net/

New iPad Pro said to drop 3.5mm jack

Article URL: https://9to5mac.com/2018/07/27/2018-ipad-pro-headphone-jack-more/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642420

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Is not going to college for a developer viable in the current year?

I'm getting near college age, and I'm faced with a common question: "Should I go to college?" With my grades, I could get some good (possibly free ride) scholarships for decent technical colleges, but I don't feel that they'd be worthwhile, considering all my current programming knowledge has been obtained via the internet at zero cost and without structured classes. A four-year college would mean four years of my life where I could be learning in the real world, for much, much less, and without all the overhead of other, irrelevant classes. And this doesn't even factor in the financial aspect, which doesn't seems very good, given the mounting costs of universities in the US.

What do you think, and what was your experience with college or the lack thereof?

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Audio from the 1999 Shoot Down of F-117 “Vega 31” Over Serbia Is Chilling

Article URL: http://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/13766/audio-from-the-1999-shoot-down-of-f-117-vega-31-over-serbia-is-chilling

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#metoo in China (Chinese language)

Article URL: https://github.com/on-one-joker/metoo

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642384

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Microsoft promises no more unexpected update reboots

Article URL: https://www.ghacks.net/2018/07/26/microsoft-promises-no-more-unexpected-update-reboots/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642377

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Second firefighter killed battling blaze near Yosemite

07/29/18 8:26 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Trump tells the Democrats he will shutter government if they do not vote to back his border security policies

07/29/18 9:37 AM

Northern: Many cancelled services resuming after timetable chaos

The firm is reinstating 75% of the routes it withdrew after its new timetable caused disruption.

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Novichok: Safety measures at victim Dawn Sturgess' funeral

The vicar leading the service says there will be no pallbearers following advice from health officials.

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Zimbabwe election: First vote without Mugabe

Long-time leader Robert Mugabe is not directly involved, for the first time since independence.

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Millions miss out on seven-day GP access

Government says it is on track to meet its target, but Labour says it has "broken its promises" on extended care.

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'It's just insane really'

Geraint Thomas tells BBC Sport he has to "pinch himself" after he became Britain's third winner of the Tour de France.

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'Panicked' kangaroo smashes way into Australian home

A family locked the distressed animal in a bathroom after it broke a window and "ran amok".

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French skier who disappeared in Italy in 1954 is finally identified

Henri Le Masne, who disappeared in a storm while skiing in Italy, is identified with Facebook help.

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Georgia's rave revolution

Dance is a form of protest in a country where tensions between liberal youths and far-right groups run deep.

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Supreme Court to rule on vegetative state case

Judges will decide whether to make it easier to withdraw food from people in vegetative states.

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Assam: Four million risk losing India citizenship

A new register of citizens excludes people who cannot prove they came to Assam state before 1971.

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California fire: Deadly blazes continues to grow

The Shasta County blaze, one of eight big fires in the state, has killed six people since Thursday.

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BT loses TV rights for 'ultimate fighting' and NBA basketball

The firm is understood to have lost the rights to broadcast NBA basketball and UFC ultimate fighting.

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Lombok earthquake: Hikers trapped on mountain after landslides

Rescuers on the Indonesian tourist island of Lombok are trying to reach dozens stranded by landslides.

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Newspaper headlines: 'Brexit food crisis fury' and 'Welsh wonder'

Monday's papers feature warnings from Brexiteers and revel in Geraint Thomas's Tour de France win.

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News Daily: Out-of-hours GPs and Zimbabwe goes to the polls

Your morning briefing for Monday 30 July 2018.

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Missing person: 'My sister just vanished 30 years ago'

Rochelle Ihm disappeared in 1986 and hasn't been seen since. Her sister refuses to give up hope.

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Behind the seams at Max Mara

Max Mara is the quintessentially Italian fashion brand, but it's run by a former punk from Derbyshire.

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Gurkha women: 'It's my turn to prove myself'

Nepali women will be able to join the British Army in 2020 - here are two who dream of being soldiers.

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The Indian man who drew Sachin Tendulkar with a typewriter

Indian typist Chandrakant Bhide found a way to keep his dream of being an artist alive.

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Submerged 4x4 pulled from sea

A crowd gathers as attempts are made to remove the stricken 4x4 from the sea at Felixstowe.

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The teenage face of Palestinian resistance

The Palestinian teenager served an eight month sentence for kicking and slapping an Israeli soldier.

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Why more girls are putting on their boxing gloves

One club in Merseyside is offering girls-only taster sessions to meet growing demand.

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Love Island: Where is Jack from? And other questions answered

Where is Jack from? And the answers to other questions you've googled about the show.

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Soreen malt loaf marks 80th birthday

First baked in 1938, the sweet snack from Manchester continues to divide opinions.

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Lumberjacks and yoga cats - stories you may have missed

Some of the stories you may have missed this week.

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Reality TV and mental health: 'I wish I'd never gone on the show'

As Love Island ends, former reality TV stars say producers of hit shows need to offer more mental health support to contestants.

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Retroactive jealousy: Obsessed with my partner’s past

Zachary Stockill couldn't stop thinking about his partner's sexual past. His obsession killed the relationship - then he learned it could be cured.

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Dying young in Stockton - England’s most unequal town

How one man is preparing for his own death at the age of 46 in the town with England's biggest health gap.

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Rebels at heart: The Beano at 80

The comic says its "rebellious approach" has continued to appeal to new generations of readers.

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New top story on Hacker News: What if the US became a monarchy?

What if the US became a monarchy?
5 by bobbywordy | 1 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: In India, Summer Heat May Soon Be Literally Unbearable

In India, Summer Heat May Soon Be Literally Unbearable
41 by throwaway5752 | 13 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Non-PhotoRealistic Quake

Non-PhotoRealistic Quake
33 by njn | 5 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Redefining dilution

Redefining dilution
3 by replicatorblog | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: What “dumbphones” are available and viable in the US?

Ask HN: What “dumbphones” are available and viable in the US?
55 by msftie | 46 comments on Hacker News.
There’s an increasing interest in “dumbphones” these days, but it seems that options for a basic phone are fairly limited in the US market. If you have switched, what did you switch to? If you’re looking to switch, what are you considering?

New top story on Hacker News: Tom Tryniski digitized nearly 50M pages of newspapers in his living room

Tom Tryniski digitized nearly 50M pages of newspapers in his living room
141 by dzdt | 22 comments on Hacker News.

Intel Drives New Bus for Future Chiplets

Article URL: https://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/semiconductors/processors/intel-drives-new-bus-for-future-chiplets

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17642370

Points: 3

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New top story on Hacker News: A Taste of Linear Logic (1993) [pdf]

A Taste of Linear Logic (1993) [pdf]
61 by andrewflnr | 10 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: ‘Lopping,’ ‘Tips’ and the ‘Z-List’: Bias Lawsuit Explores Harvard’s Admissions

‘Lopping,’ ‘Tips’ and the ‘Z-List’: Bias Lawsuit Explores Harvard’s Admissions
38 by mlthoughts2018 | 36 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: New Video of F-117s Flying Out of Tonopah Despite Their Fates Being Sealed

New Video of F-117s Flying Out of Tonopah Despite Their Fates Being Sealed
97 by molecule | 73 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Gamifying propositional logic: QED, an interactive textbook

Gamifying propositional logic: QED, an interactive textbook
95 by robinhouston | 6 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Compromised supply chain within a supply chain poses new risks

Compromised supply chain within a supply chain poses new risks
50 by ccnafr | 11 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Java's Magic Sauce

Java's Magic Sauce
60 by wheresvic1 | 32 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Ask HN: How to pursue acquisition?

Ask HN: How to pursue acquisition?
149 by throwaway334455 | 49 comments on Hacker News.
I run a one-person company in the cloud / ops space and over the past year have gone from $0 to $200k in annual recurring revenue. I have not taken any funding. The major cloud providers (aws, google, azure) are starting to expand to my product space, however, and I'm increasing concerned with my long-term prospects. I think it might make sense to pursue acquisition/aqui-hire, while my product and expertise can still add value to these cloud providers. I would really appreciate advice from the HN community on how to achieve the best possible outcome, including how to proactively pursue acquisition/aqui-hire at a large company. Thanks!

New top story on Hacker News: The Blockchain Bubble Will Pop, What Next?

The Blockchain Bubble Will Pop, What Next?
173 by baxtr | 199 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: David Bohm, Quantum Mechanics and Enlightenment

David Bohm, Quantum Mechanics and Enlightenment
12 by jonbaer | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Diversity quotas suck. Here’s why

Diversity quotas suck. Here’s why
55 by hudon | 20 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Consumer DNA tests revealing misattributed parentage

Consumer DNA tests revealing misattributed parentage
49 by prostoalex | 49 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: How an Ex-Cop Rigged McDonald’s Monopoly Game and Stole Millions

How an Ex-Cop Rigged McDonald’s Monopoly Game and Stole Millions
481 by DLay | 189 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Double Faults

Double Faults
77 by octosphere | 5 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: A Z80 from the Ground Up (2014)

A Z80 from the Ground Up (2014)
54 by glhaynes | 8 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Refresh: concept for a new kind of web browser

Refresh: concept for a new kind of web browser
427 by davidbarker | 105 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: A brief history of the peace symbol

A brief history of the peace symbol
4 by Tomte | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Hunting for fossils in the quirks of language

Hunting for fossils in the quirks of language
16 by pseudolus | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Life of an Airline Flight [video]

Life of an Airline Flight [video]
30 by tosh | 3 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: How Japan's visionaries saw the future

How Japan's visionaries saw the future
36 by happy-go-lucky | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: A Pamphlet against R: Computational Intelligence in Guile Scheme (2016)

A Pamphlet against R: Computational Intelligence in Guile Scheme (2016)
13 by tosh | 0 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Turbo Button

Turbo Button
105 by tosh | 57 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Iran's Wolf Wall, Second-Longest in the World, Is Still Shrouded in Mystery

Iran's Wolf Wall, Second-Longest in the World, Is Still Shrouded in Mystery
67 by curtis | 16 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Does Software Understand Complexity?

Does Software Understand Complexity?
28 by michaelfeathers | 1 comments on Hacker News.

New top story on Hacker News: Macbook eGPU Redux: Sticking a GTX 1080 in an AKiTiO Thunder2

Macbook eGPU Redux: Sticking a GTX 1080 in an AKiTiO Thunder2
105 by archagon | 48 comments on Hacker News.

Picture of the day for July 30, 2018

Male African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) with a red-billed oxpecker (Buphagus erythrorhynchus) in South Africa. The buffalo doesn't mind the bird too much as it eats ticks and other insects that bother him. 30 July is the United Nations’ International Day of Friendship.. Learn more.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

New comment by dzhshnacct in "Indian warrior king's rocket cache found in abandoned well"

relatedly there is some recent debate and discussion on gunpowder in india vs china

Indian Gunpowder – the Force Behind Empires




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New comment by girzel in "Django EAV 2 – Entity-Attribute-Value Storage for Django"

Come to think of it, several years ago I had to migrate a website from Wordpress (I think it was Wordpress) to Django. The Wordpress database schema was nothing but EAV tables: Every damn thing had all of its attributes listed in a separate table, and object retrieval traversed several tables each time.

I suppose this was necessary or at least useful for a general-use web framework like Wordpress, where no one knows what kinds of attributes various users will want to create, and therefore table _columns_ are stored as table _data_, and no one ever has to do any migration.

But it was dog-slow. The switch to Django halved the number of tables in the site, and the whole thing went about three times as fast (plenty of other reasons for that, though).

Granted, now I have to do Django migrations rather than Wordpress web-console manipulation, but as someone said in a different post, Django migrations aren't that hard these days.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2AewAty

New comment by andypants in "ActivityPub could be the future"

If you don't want a specific person's comments? You'll need moderation or blocking tools.

If you don't want any comments from the fediverse in general? Well then activity pub doesn't benefit you at all and you have no need for it.

> Is this essentially just the same as the trackbacks I already get from other Wordpress posts that link to my page, but with every single tweet (or rather, “toot” (oh, pardon me, how rude. Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?)) generating a trackback?

You can interact with people's content from any interoperable website/service/client basically. It's not just a link on some site or a meaningless metric that gets bumped up. The comments may very well be from people who actually did read your blog post and genuinely want to interact. They just don't have to actually visit your site to do any of those things.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mV8I4J

New comment by jtbayly in "ActivityPub could be the future"

What if I don’t want your comments on my site?

And will all of your followers’ comments show up too?

Is this essentially just the same as the trackbacks I already get from other Wordpress posts that link to my page, but with every single tweet (or rather, “toot” (oh, pardon me, how rude. Can you please tell me where the bathroom is?)) generating a trackback?

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2Aia3vT

New comment by severine in "ActivityPub could be the future"

> I think some WP Plugins are in the works.

There's some info here:



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New comment by time4hn in "Membrane Framework – An Elixir framework for multimedia streaming applications"

Looks great. I think it's the "ICO Crypto"* wordpress theme.

* https://themeforest.net/item/ico-crypto-bitcoin-cryptocurren...

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OnDyiP

New comment by StavrosK in "ActivityPub could be the future"

As the author says, you can follow my blog from your Mastodon account, so you see my posts as Mastodon toots, and you can reply to them and leave a comment on my post. I don't know why there isn't a Wordpress plugin, I guess nobody wrote one yet.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2AiakPr

New comment by jtbayly in "ActivityPub could be the future"

Can somebody explain how blogging platforms are benefitted by activity pub and why there isn’t a Wordpress plugin?

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OnDvUb

New comment by jessriedel in "Welcome to the New Space Age"

I wish I had good recommendations for you. Quanta can be quite good, but it misses sometimes. Most coverage of fundamental physics, especially theory, fails (for obvious reasons) to provide the key context that progress in the field is very slow and getting slower.

There are a few excellent specialist blogs, like Resonaances for particle physics,


but they are not very accessible to outsiders. Sean Carroll, Sabine Hossenfelder, and Peter Woit are pretty good and accessible

http://www.preposterousuniverse.com/blog/ http://backreaction.blogspot.com/ http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/wordpress/

but they aren't neutral; that's fine since they are personal blogs, but it can be difficult for laymen to get an objective picture of the field.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2mPkL3f

New comment by coreymaass in "Ask HN: Which self-hosted solutions are you using?"

I'd never thought of WordPress plugins as self-hosted apps until I built my WordPress plugin, Kanban for WordPress [1]. It can be thought of as a self-hosted Trello. I've since seen a self-hosted Buffer, Pocket, Evernote, Delicious/Pinboard, all on WordPress.

[1] https://KanbanWP.com

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LRrpAN

New comment by pmlnr in "Ask HN: Which self-hosted solutions are you using?"

- email: dovecot, postfix (w/ opendkim and opendmarc), bogofilter, rainloop

- synthing for file sync

- miniflux for RSS

- WordPress for friends/family websites

- prosody for XMPP

- wallabag for bookmarks

- centralized rsyslog & collectd

- radicale for calendar/tasks/contacts sync

- gammu for sms sending

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LOcwPH

New comment by scruffyherder in "The secret call to Andy Grove that may have helped Apple buy NeXT"

As a shameless plug, the Darwin 0.1/0.3 sources which align with OS X Server 1.0 & 1.2 actually still compiled on intel just fine. Even better you could take a Rhapsody DR2 system, and overlay the newer stuff on top of it, and it'd still happily run.


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New comment by pwaai in "Knative – Kubernetes-based platform to manage modern serverless workloads"

interesting...by floor and ceiling is that like the minimum and maximum threshold for latency?

here's my pain point. I built a serverless REST API with token authentication on Lambda. However, if many people aren't using it all the time it will sleep and then the next sucker who calls the endpoint is stuck with waiting for the serverless instance to wake up.

In some cases even getting a token from a simple POST request would take an awful long time. This was a few years ago and I stopped using serverless since then.

But now I'm interested in serverless because I've been hearing that the cold startup problem is being reduced.

I wonder if in the future developers will be just taking core logics from serverless repository and wiring up the components, sort of like how wordpress does it without the crazy layers of PHP and bloat.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OhtKXv

New comment by SpecialistEMT in "The Free Stack – Running Your Application for Free on AWS"

Im running a $5(+$2 for backups) 1GB linode and getting around 50k views a month on a properly configured wordpress with caching and 30 plugins with nginx on Centos 7. Sometimes 25-50 ppl at the same time. Site is pretty fast(faster than most- maybe because lack of a dozen of trackers). With 2GB ram and 1 more core it would be super fast. Im using Centmin mod stackscript for managing nginx.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LOcveB

New comment by Theodores in "Crazy Image EXIF Orientation Bug (or Feature?)"

One thing I one day want to try is to include some unique search terms in an image EXIF description to see if Googlebot picks it up in a way that is subsequently searchable.

As for Wordpress people using third party services to remove bloat from images in a paid for, tediously manual way - don't! Configure your server to do it with Google's mod_pagespeed. You can serve src_set images whilst you are at it that way making the web quicker and more eco friendly.

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2OhznFk

New comment by aulrich in "Show HN: Chrome Extension Displaying Social Media Link Previews"

As I was coding away on the Placid ( https://placid.app ) Wordpress-Plugin I noticed I needed a simpler way to look at og:images and twitter:cards and created an uncomplicated injected Container to do that in my Wordpress installation.

After that, I wanted it for "ALL THE SITES" - and so a little Chrome Extension fell out of it :)

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LRIr24

New comment by tonyarkles in "Ask HN: As a CTO, what is your most frustrating problem with technical debt?"

Sure, but do you really expect the one-person maintainer of a random Wordpress plugin to be backporting security fixes? In an ideal world I'd love to see that, but my guess is that that's not often going to be the case.

Then the question becomes: is it more effort to backport this fix into a codebase I don't know? Or is it more effort to bring everything else up to using the new version. Either way, it's going to suck :)

from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2LOlzAn

Fear of Macros

Article URL: http://www.greghendershott.com/fear-of-macros/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17636778

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Fox News Breaking News Alert

Fox News Breaking News Alert

Active shooter reported at Texas border town shopping mall

07/28/18 2:10 PM

Fox News Breaking News Alert

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Michigan motel fire kills woman, five children from same family, officials say

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Indonesia earthquake: 10 dead on tourist island Lombok

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World Cup 2022: Qatar bid team accused of secret campaign to sabotage rivals

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Online trolls may be barred from being MP or councillor

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Eleven years old and locked up

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Scottish government to double funding for breastfeeding

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Newspaper headlines: Brexit 'grassroots revolt' and 'a star is born'

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Sara Cunningham came to terms with her son being gay - now she helps others disowned by their parents.

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Your pictures: Reading

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Killer whale spotted pushing dead calf for two days

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NBA Live 19: Women in 'create a player' feature for first time

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The obscure "input symbol for Latin capital letters" is now less popular than "aerial tramway" on Twitter

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Tsundoku: The art of buying books and never reading them

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Don't Underestimate Chinese Automakers

Article URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willyshih/2018/07/25/dont-underestimate-chinese-auto-makers/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17636883

Points: 1

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Facebook Isn’t Going Anywhere

Article URL: https://hackernoon.com/facebook-finally-freed-of-the-feed-f41091b4d91e

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Photos: Hubble Space Telescope Gets Gorgeous Shots of Mars and Saturn – Vox

Article URL: https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/7/27/17621488/hubble-telescope-photo-mars-opposition-saturn-rings

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17636870

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Article URL: https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/259553-750-raspberry-pi-mini-computers-turned-supercomputer-los-alamos-national-laboratory

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Ask HN: How old are you (optional) and what was the last thing that you learned?

Doesn't have to be tech related.

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R: Lessons Learned, Directions for the Future (2010) [pdf]

Article URL: https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~ihaka/downloads/JSM-2010.pdf

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Protesters target JD Vance in Vermont after clash with Zelensky

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