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Article URL: http://ruby.devscoop.fr/issues/10
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Article URL: https://hackernoon.com/why-we-need-an-open-source-licence-that-considers-the-misuse-of-our-code-8d19b65d425
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Article URL: https://www.acsac.org/2002/papers/classic-multics.pdf
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Article URL: https://deezer.io/visualize-your-music-dna-with-data-b1f1b6631b98
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Article URL: http://www.overcomingbias.com/2018/04/a-pullable-thread-of-the-social-fabric.html
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Article URL: https://ep2018.europython.eu/en/
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Article URL: https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-live-in-san-francisco-without-spending-any-money-1525029628
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Article URL: http://onthegotours.com/literal-translations-of-cities/
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Article URL: https://www.tomsguide.com/us/home-router-security,news-19245.html
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Article URL: https://www.thinkful.com/blog/thinkful-acquires-bloc/
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Article URL: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/apr/29/cheating-at-top-uk-universities-soars-by-30-per-cent
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Article URL: https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2018/04/29/core/
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In this case, it affects me directly as a regular reader of Alastair's blog. I got notifications of new posts via his email list, but he is deleting the MailChimp mailing list because GDPR requires him to delete everyone anyway and re-opt-in under new GDPR consent (even though the list was already double/confirmed opt-in).
He's also deleting the entire Wordpress blog comment history, because it is easier to delete everything than to individually contact all the commenters and ask them to provide new explicit GDPR consent for previously posted comments.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2HyWwDc
Apple seems to control the podcast database, and its just people submitting RSS feeds.
I've been using IFTTT to build sites that are just feeding multiple sites into 1 location, reddit subs, youtube channels, etc.
The tech is out there, but everyone seems to be thinking they need to be facebook/youtube clones.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2HASTwE
The article has very good points, especially when it touches the issue of "hidden" mail, like the promotions tab: there are labels and tabs. There should be only one system, and no, don't hide things from the user at this level. When there's 17k mails in promotions, eating up 6GB alert them, let them know. (This ties back to how WordPress keeps hiding anything technical from users, which is also bad[^1])
Filtering on Gmail is outrageous, especially when you compare it to Sieve. No option to match on custom header, seriously?
Things like unprintable email is a bad joke. Unprintable? What if I connect to Gmail with mutt? It gives the sense of a false security.
I'm aware of all the arguments against email, but so far nobody could come up with a robust, reliable (see SMTP retries), async, world wide, federated solution, that even touches the level of email.
Here's a revolutionary idea: instead of trying to come up with a new email, stop breaking the current one, and keep using it.
[^1]: https://www.rarst.net/wordpress/technical-responsibility/
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vVJJp1
Um. What?
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2JzyjJG
The German federal statistics office publishes a report every year which lists how many people have lost their right to vote or to hold public office according to §45 (2) and (5) StGB (German criminal law) [1]. Unfortunately, the reports do not distinguish between these two cases. In any case, the numbers are vanishingly small in recent years. I looked at the last 12 years for which there is a report (2005 - 2016) and it's only 15 cases, so a little more than 1 per year. Again, it doesn't distinguish between losing the right to vote and losing the right to hold office.
The people who lost their rights according to this law were mostly convicted for crimes against the state, the public order, or misconduct in office. To make it more precise, the report lists crimes such as joining a terrorist organisation, obstruction of punishment, forcing a subordinate to commit a crime, criminal assault while in office, corruption, etc. The original newspaper article summarized them as crimes against the state which I translated as treason.
However, it seems that the law was applied more often in the past. I found a secondary source [2] which lists 178 cases between 1978 and 2008. The primary source [3] is a dissertation which costs 80 €.
[1] https://www.destatis.de/GPStatistik/receive/DESerie_serie_00..., § 5.1
[2] Sonja Bühler, Die Aberkennung des aktiven Wahlrechts von Strafgefangenen nach § 45 Abs. 5 StGB, Freilaw 1/2017, http://www.freilaw.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/0...
[3] Jan Oelbermann, Wahlrecht und Strafe, Universität Bremen, 2011, http://www.nomos-shop.de/Oelbermann-Wahlrecht-Strafe/product...
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2HAz2O0
You get what you pay for. Unfortunately, many of those unpatched websites end up causing trouble for others...
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2r2XcX5
Ghost looks like more for the hosting service similar to wordpress.com. I want to self-host, so it is not the best option.
a quick check did not reveal how Netlify does its CMS, e.g. post can be public/private/user-access-by-permissions, note CMS means I can classify various levels of access rights, i.e. content-management(instead of just publishing). Most CMS are geared towards public viewing, which is what blog does, but CMS should do more,
Drupal with its access module got CMS right(still not built-in though), Wordpress is similar, default for public viewing, but you have plugin to control each posts' access rights. I have yet to see an OSS CMS without the need of modules/plugins to make it a true CMS.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2r3tBgs
I noticed that the Gatsby WordPress plugin hits every endpoint on your site to build the graphql data store, you could probably modify it to just hit the ones you need. Additionally I feel like there should be a way to do persistent incremental builds. At least there should be a way to cache the graphql stuff. Maybe a incremental webpack build plugin exists.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2vPn1yK
"Plugins are dependencies that if not maintained actively, may cause you to fall behind on updating the core CMS. Not keeping your CMS up to date will crush your website if an emergency security patch comes out & you can't update to it."
I get that this could be said with any framework or code base, but as someone whose job is to update a couple Drupal sites, I've almost been burned on this way to many times. Content editors rely on a plugin. That plugin isn't getting updated as fast as it should & Drupal introduced breaking changes so the plugin won't work with the new Drupal version. We have to hold back an update until the plugin gets patched. Fortunately I had just finished updating our sites before this security announcement.
The best advice I can give to anyone managing multiple Drupal sites would be pick your plugins carefully, make sure you have a testing server, make sure you can set aside some time each month to run updates & fix the many issues created by those updates, and create integration tests.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2r2XbT1
Have you used it with a Drupal or WordPress on a larger site? To do a decoupled site, every time someone publishes a new article or a change, you are going to have to do a ton of HTTP requests during build time for Gatsby since incremental builds are not a thing yet. If you use the Drupal Paragraphs module, that can really complicate things as well. The only way around this with Gatsby that I can think of is to have Drupal create a repository of static files that get incrementally updated. Then Gatsby could grab a compressed version of this during build & create a new version of the site.
I would love to hear thoughts from anyone else though as I'm sure better ideas must exist.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2r3tyRO
1. Colleagues. The fact that non-profits are underserved by tech works, also means that you're less likely to have talented colleagues to learn from. 2. When they're not tech organisations. There might be a lack of understanding of both the opportunities and challenges for tech in their specific area, and I'm not sure I'd have some influence in helping with that. I really don't want to be the person who maintains a Wordpress site for a non-profit, and don't think I'd actually be that effective in contributing to their mission that way either.
What are your reflections on that?
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2HA7xQI
Nevertheless the most inspiring project was a private project which I did with a friend some years ago. We thought about an Android App where people could post incidents (like terror attacks, fights or whatever) on an app and all the people around get a push notification as well as could see on a heatmap which areas have a high density of crimes. This was at a time where the "refugee crisis" started and there was a public attention in terms of terror attacks etc.
If you are interested, you can look at it here: * https://www.riskahead.net/ or directly on the google app store: * https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.deke.risk....
The project was not succesful but I learned A LOT. It was my first android app so I did not only learn to build an App from scratch on Android but also * Setting and maintaining a web-server with own hosted e-mail server * Implementing a rest-api with PHP and SLIM-framework * Running Apache and a MySQL-Server * Hosting and creating a web-site with WordPress, doing some SEO * Little bit or marketing (while not very succesful) * tons of more lessons learned
I finsihed my work, went home and started programming. Had a high workloard for around half a year but it was very inspirational and I learned a lot. Probably because I normally focus on a specific topic @work but for this project I had to do everything on my own (in terms of technical development and maintainance).
Would definetely do it again. But no good idea so far :-)
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2raPk58
That been said, Drupal 8 might be a good fit for large sites that needs flexibility and customization, for most (smaller) projects though, wordpress seems a better choice these days, its popularity proves that.
from Hacker News: "WordPress" comments https://ift.tt/2r2X9dR
Article URL: https://www.spectator.co.uk/2014/07/my-secret-lust-for-right-wing-women/
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Article URL: https://www.whatifidropout.com
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Article URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4232290/
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Article URL: https://github.com/pqpo/PLock
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Article URL: https://www.toptal.com/javascript/comprehensive-guide-javascript-design-patterns
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Article URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43786055
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Article URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUaJ8pDlxi8&feature=youtu.be
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Article URL: https://github.com/lukeiwanski/tensorflow/tree/integration/1.8
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How would such a glitch occur? Do they have pre-determined languages for specific words?
from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2HDCumY
Article URL: https://www.spectator.co.uk/2013/08/a-secret-sperm-donor-service-in-post-first-world-war-london/
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Article URL: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/04/28/french-museum-discovers-half-collection-fakes/
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Article URL: http://home.hiwaay.net/~becraft/RUMLTAXES.html
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Article URL: https://graphqlme.com/2018/04/29/secure-by-default/
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Article URL: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/there-was-no-wave-of-compassion-when-addicts-were-hooked-on-crack
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Article URL: http://nano-ops.net/nanoscale-printing/
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I just came to know about a funding drive by Python Software Foundation. But it was disappointing to know that they are struggling to raise the required funding even though the target amount is just $20,000! I know a lot of large companies which are getting immense value by using Python and can easily make regular donations. But I am not sure why this is not the case.
Is it because we developers are not actively advocating to management to contribute funds to OSS projects? Is it because we are not aware that many of the OSS projects that we use are in need of funding? Will a website with the links to all OSS projects accepting donations help? I can build and lunch such a website. Please provide suggestions on how we can help amazing OSS projects like Python get well funded.
Please Donate: https://ift.tt/2EQhU0N
from Hacker News: Newest https://ift.tt/2jdbv78
Article URL: http://www.sourdo.com
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recently I failed quite a few system design interviews, and one big learning is that I should have thrown popular/buzzing technologies (like...