Thursday, January 31, 2019

New comment by cyberferret in "My blog can’t keep up: 500 errors all over"

I come across colleagues in the same boat as the OP, but the truth of the matter is that a $5/mo VPS hosting WordPress is really not going to handle a surge of high traffic. Been there, done that, when I had a $20/mo Digital Ocean droplet with my blog on it. Anytime I posted a link to it on HackerNews or Reddit, it used to die under the 'hug of death'.

Since moving my blog to SquareSpace, I've never had that issue. In years. Note: Not an advert and not an affiliate for SS, just a happy user.

We still have a WP blog on a VPS for our SaaS, but I am keen to move that over to another platform, because I have enough on my plate to develop code for my SaaS itself. For my blog, I just want to post my thoughts without having to wade through a WordPress Admin console and see dozens of flags, warnings and popups about a myriad of plugins that need attention. Seriously - our WP admin console causes a lot of stress just logging in, which sucks all the creativity out of me.

SquareSpace (and even Medium, for all the negativity surrounding it) makes it so easy to start with a blank slate and just write and let the ideas flow.

from Hacker News - New Comments: "WordPress"

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