Friday, September 14, 2018

New comment by zawerf in "Host Your Blog on DigitalOcean with Docker, Nginx and Let’s Encrypt"

In some sense everything is massive overkill for a "simple blog". You should just pay for medium/wordpress/ghost or use a static site hosted on github pages.

I personally fell for these posts a while back and regretted spending time on it. They don't tell you about the crazy amount of sysadmin skills that you need to get it up and running:

Do you need to worry about updates/security patches? How do you configure firewalls? How do you configure ssh settings? How would you even audit unauthorized logins? Where are logs stored? Are they rotated? Are they backed up? Are there backups? How do you restore from backups? How do you configure nginx? How do you configure certbot? How do you check if cron is running correctly? Do you ever look at access/error logs? How do you keep services running upon restart? How do you get notified of problems? How do you monitor uptime?

Each individual question will take minutes to hours to research and will open up new rabbit holes.

from Hacker News - New Comments: "WordPress"

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