Saturday, December 29, 2018

New comment by scarecrowbob in "PHP + Ajax scripts or the modern ecosystem dilemma"

I'm not totally sure about the context for the OP, but just recently there are a lot of folks doing low-end PHP dev work for WordPress, and many of them are now having to learn React because WordPress has changed its backend editor to a system that is based around React.

Personally, I think that this is a good choice-- the editor system in that CMS is a very good use case for complex JS technologies.

But at the same time, there are a whole lot of of folks who have been doing a lot of work with PHP who didn't want to learn that toolchain.

In that context, it's a little complex: we have a whole ecosystem of businesses and developers and software tooling that is being pushed over by some core changes. I'd bet that there are going to be a lot of frustrated low-end PHP devs dragged into learning modern-ish JS tooling.

from Hacker News - New Comments: "WordPress"

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