Saturday, December 29, 2018

New comment by scarecrowbob in "PHP + Ajax scripts or the modern ecosystem dilemma"

Yeah, if you want to use the tools you need to use the tool chain.

On the other hand, I work with a whole lot of other peoples' WordPress projects. A lot of folks just crap some CSS wherever they can find a spot and call it done.

FWIW, I'd rather troubleshoot someone's gulpfile than dick around with a 4K line CSS file. But that's my choice and I know plenty of folks who pay their bills and would rather grep (well, they don't use grep because they don't know the CLI) and who love a monolithic CSS file.

I like the tools, some folks don't. But they aren't inherently bad tools, they are just not right for everything.

from Hacker News - New Comments: "WordPress"

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