Sunday, March 31, 2019

New comment by mooreds in "RSS Is Better Than Twitter"

I love RSS, and have for years. My first blog post ever was about RSS: . I recently wrote that new developers should use RSS:

But reading through the post and the comments here, I'm sensing an omission. What Twitter (and social media in general) provides that RSS doesn't is interaction. I don't login to twitter all that often, but when I do, I see things like this: and this:

I doubt I'd be privy to the discussions happening on Twitter if they were happening any other way (blogs tried to do it with comments and pingbacks, but that isn't as good as Twitter, and not as open to everyone, since you have to run a blog of your own).

This is the secret sauce for me. In fact, if there were a way to only see conversations in Twitter (and ignore all the posts with no responses) that would have a lot of value for me.

RSS is great for reading, but for conversing, it's not a good fit.

from Hacker News - New Comments: "WordPress"

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